Law enforcement agencies desperate needed in the hyper-connected world.
We need More powerful Laws, Ai law enforcement, new law vectors, connectors identifiers, and laws regulation to implement rules to protect us the consumer from the public law violator like HIPPA privacy and security national and international. The Security and privacy in the working, living environment, health, and business environment in the hyper-connected world do not exist in the cyber world. Security in general and privacy are not properly regulated and it is ruleless. We are back to the wild wild West with no guns. Managers, Business in all type of agencies and market violate, manipulate and abuse the power of the hyper-connected world to their own benefit and evil doing. Witch includes top Business in general, Wealth market in general, Finacial, shipping market and it's industry and no less than the health market. Read More about it about Law and regulation agencies about Ai. What are the Hyper-connected World and its war? Disclaimer: This...